AnneMarie Brinton Information Services Coordinator
I started my career in the Theatre where I learned the importance of collaboration and meeting high-pressure deadlines because that curtain is going to go up and you'd better be ready. I then moved into the auto-manufacturing sector where I was able to develop my technical skills and work with a multi-cultural team.
Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Theatre from Illinois College; graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Massachusetts, Lowell.
What are the values that drive you in your professional and personal life?
I am very driven by the desire to help people. I have a very diverse skill-set that makes me useful in a surprising number of situations and fearless when it comes to trying something new. Though I've never been a perfectionist, I always want everything I do to be done to the very best of my ability.
What is your favorite thing about DVI?
At DVI, nobody ever says, "that's not my job." As a small company, we are often asked to wear multiple hats, and no matter what gets thrown our way, there is always someone here who is willing to step outside their role, learn a new skill and make sure that everything that needs to get done gets done. When someone puts out a call for "all hands on deck" anyone who has even a moment to spare will come and help. I've seen projects that would have taken a single department days to complete get knocked out in a matter of hours with the help of our team.
Tell us one thing about you that might be surprising:
Growing up, I was very close with my grandparents, who were an entire generation older than most of my peers' grandparents. Not many people my age can say that the first people to call my grandfather, "grandpa" were his WWII buddies because he joined the draft at the ripe old age of 26. So you must forgive me if some of my folksy colloquialisms are a bit...dusty.